Here is a collection of drawings which I gathered to give you a brief understanding of what I attempt to achieve! These are not in the correct order as I haven't fully decided which order they will go, however, if I cannot decide I could make a quiesionnaire and ask people what order they would prefer!
Autumn Parks

This location I believe would go especially well with the folk genre as I wish to capture an autumn park! This gives the music video a warm appeal.

This scene could perhaps be the opening scene, with no singing, maybe just soft guitar intro to the song, giving it a more ambient mood. Also using a homemade camera dolly would make the scene more interesting and smoother!
Fields/Farms etc.

I believe capturing english countryside/fields etc. will reflect the folk genre. Also including props as large as tractors (maybe) in the background would look interesting.

I will later find some more fields I wish to include in the video. Being surrounded by fields at home is ideal as its close, and easy to carry equipment!
Talking Orange

I thought that this scene could be recorded by using the macro setting on my camcorder. This scene is meant to be humorous to maybe stop boredom. I want this music video to be extremely spontanious, as well having no meaning with the song!

Being beside the seaside will be interesting, however it will be challenging as the wind will be stronger than normal conditions. I may have to use an alternative material for the heads, using card instead of paper!
Household Objects

Again, continue to use random objects and sticking smaller heads to objects such as mugs and cans etc.
Brick Walls

Using brick walls will give the scene a more rugged look to it! Also making it slightly urban. By placing the head to the right, I can add other objects to the wall, such as text. A recent post on this blog has a prototype of this certain scene!!
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