Quick Test run! from Jordan Bezants on Vimeo.
Audience Response - After viewing this video to my media class, I gathered some answers which were highly beneficial, some were advantages, and others were disadvantages. However this will help me when I eventually film the final music video!
Many students agreed that the contrast of the background wasn't very strong, therefore I need the landscape to have a higher contrast to the faces when recording the final piece. The guitar head was rather off-putting and people seemed to have lost concentration to the moving head. I will have to be careful as I wish to have interesting landscape settings, but I do not want to distract the audience from the singing heads. Luke and I, when planning our storyboard, need to pay special attension to focal point, depth of field, and cinematography to ensure that our audience get our prefered reading. One of the key ways of achieveing this will be to ensure clarity and form in our still shots that we will use to create our animation, we may use the studio and chiaroscuric lighting for this.
However after the feedback, people seemed to enjoy watching the clip, and said it wouldn't get as tedious if the location changed every 5 seconds.
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